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Showing posts from August 2, 2020

The thin line between sanity and insanity

It's like a wall that's separates us from the grim shadows on the other side. One wrong thought or sequence of thoughts and you're gone. In your mind, you need a filter or there's going to be a lot of junk in there, tons of toxic junk you don't need. Junk like; Do I look okay today? Am I good enough? What do they think about me? I'm never going to make it! You do know depression and anxiety are associated with thought, right? Your mind is too precious to harbor filth, so do away with them and let fresh air in. The person you are now, has already been established in your mind.  So, be careful about who you think you are because very shortly you'll see yourself becoming just that. Think positive, speak positive, be positive; "I can do this." "I'm brilliant." "I'm smart." "I'm in it to win it." "I'm beautiful." It all starts up there. ...

My Earth

JUST A LITTLE WHILE LONGER. My World, my Earth, my Home. Earth, how wounded you have become.  You've been bruised, burned, destroyed, maltreated, misunderstood. People, culture, race, colour, government, religion. You accommodate us all. You know you're dying, we're killing you. Are you now retaliation for all the ways we've wronged you, are you saying this is the end for us, for you? Is it time? Are you telling us goodbye? There was a time I would have begged you to live a bit longer but I want peace, joy, I'm not sad to let you go Earth. Your time is almost up, our time is almost up. How I know? Just check the internet. Everything with a beginning has an end. You've lived a long time. ° ° ° ° ° So what do you guys think?🤗❤️ I wrote this some weeks ago, because I was unhappy with what was happening all around us. A lot has happened this year, we pray ...