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Showing posts from August 9, 2020

I know that I need you

 I want you forever, I need you forever. Stay with me forever—Don't ever let me go. —Jonathan McReynold Gotta keep moving. I hate feeling like I'm not doing much, but you always reassure me that I'm doing something right. I hate feeling uncertain, and anxious. Take them away, I don't want them. God when I'm where you want me to be, let me not forget you, because you made me who I am. 'The stars are just our beginning'. My sister loves this quote and so do I. God I acknowledge you as my strength, please don't stop being my strength. Jesus, I need you too, don't ever let me go. Let me be at peace with who I am. As long as you say Yes, I don't care who says No. I love you Lord and I know you know that I do. Visit me Lord, I need to see you. I need to feel, see, hear, touch and be the miracle. ° ° ° ° ° Tell me what you think below, how easy do you find talking about your fears and uncertainties? Do you know Jesu...

Storm and Bliss

Inspired by a prompt given by my lovely kid sister ❤️❤️🤗🤗  "In storm and bliss, I will be there." These were your dying words to me, even as I stare at your coffin as they lower you into the dirt, the words echo in my subconscious. "You lied." I sniffed. You weren't there. You weren't there for his birth, or when he took his first step. When he got his got his first bump on the head or when he needed you to hold him, you weren't there. His first word was "Dada", I cried and cried that day; how you seem to be the first one he called but you weren't there to gloat to me about it or to say how proud you were of him. You shouldn't have promised Dave, you really shouldn't have. You're not here. But you could have been. I told you not to go, but you couldn't bear seeing someone else get hurt, and that was what I loved about you, always so selfless, but it was also what got you killed. But even though you...