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He lost his wife and daughter and now he had no one.





Where am I?

My head felt heavy as though I'd been hit with a hammer. My body was hot and I was struggling against someone. I heard voices but they were fading in and out just like I was.

In my haze, I saw a man wearing a nose mask and a pair of surgical gloves.

"Who are you?" I managed to mumble. My throat felt so raw, it felt like I'd been thirsty for days.

"He's awake! Get me Dr Sullivan." The man screamed.

I was on the bed and directly above me was a large fluorescent light that was starting to hurt my eyes.

"Who are you? Where am I?!"

"Get me the anesthetic. Quickly! He doesn't need to be awake for this." The man I assumed to be the Doctor barked at a trembling nurse.

My heart felt like it weighed a tonne and my heart was beating so hard against my chest I thought it'd leap out through my throat.

Within seconds, I was injected with a vial that looked nothing like an anesthetic. I would know because I used to be a least I think I was.

In seconds, I felt a strange calm come over me, I tried getting a glimpse of any of their faces but they were just blobs of images all merging into each other.

The Doctor raised a gloved hand and I could vaguely make out a tattoo on his wrist, it was so blurry I had to blink twice.

'A raven?'

And that wristwatch...the unicorn...

My eyes widened.

Without warning, images of burning tyres and melting metal flashed through my head in quick succession.


I blinked.

"Honey, grab Ana!"

I briefly saw an image of that same wristwatch with the unicorn print on it lying broken on the floor.

"What the—" I croaked before everything went dark.

Flashing lights.

Screeching tires.

A loud shriek echoing from a distance.

The voice of a little girl screaming 'daddy daddy.' from somewhere I couldn't pinpoint sliced through me like a knife.

I tried calling back but couldn't make a sound.

 _I need to find her, I need to help her._

 _But who is she?_

Other voices whispered around me, these ones clear and distinct.

"It will take at least 54 hours before his body can get used to the implant. A week and he's good to go."

"If it does not kill him that is."

A feminine voice said.

I couldn't help but feel that I'd heard this voice before. Somewhere in a past I could not remember.

"He checks all the boxes. His DNA also is a perfect fit for it. We've gone through this already."


Their conversation was caught shut by a loud blaring noise.

It pierced through my ear threatening to burst my drums.

I tried to cover my ears but found my hands cuffed to the side of the bed.

 _What the hell._

"I thought we had a deal. This wasn't supposed to happen!" The lady I still couldn't recognize screamed at the doctor beside her.

Disoriented, I tried moving my legs, only to find them cuffed as well.

"What have you done to me?" I whispered.

Suddenly I felt the veins on my arms protrude, they pulsated coming to life as I gritted my teeth at the stab of pain at the side of my head.


"This is my subject I won't let them have him." I heard the woman say.

"Bring the men, take him to the chopper. We don't have much time. Milo's men are coming." The woman ordered adjusting her glasses.

On command, four men trooped in clothed like soldiers, two of them wielding artillery.

The doctor quickly uncuffed my hands and legs and forced me on his feet.

"W-Where are you taking me?"

I pushed one of the men and he ended up being stuck to the concrete wall.

Nobody breathed for a second.

My eyes were wide as I looked at my hands.

"What have you done to me?!" I pushed them all away and ran out the ward.

More men came from down the hallway. I couldn't see properly. My vision was messed up as I clung to the wall for support. I was having double vision.

Whatever they gave me wasn't agreeing with me.

Suddenly an image of a little girl flashed across my eyes. She was smiling then the image turned to something grosteque. She was no longer smiling but covered in blood.



The sob erupted before I could stop it at the memory.

'Baby, honey it's gonna be okay.' I heard myself say.

I saw another woman's face, she was trying to get the little girl to move while still barely clinging to life.

"Julie." Her name left my lips in a whisper, then it hit me.

They were my family.


Now they were gone.

"Freeze!" A man spoke from behind me.

I didn't know what it was but I'd never felt that much rage in my life. It was as if something inhumane was controlling me from the inside.

It had taken over me.

I lurged for the nearest man to me and all I saw from there was red.

Soon I was standing over the sixth man.

Coldly, I asked,

"Who did this?"

In blind rage I had already crushed the man's throat.

I growled, "I need answers!"

"Hey Nathan!" I heard that same voice call from behind me.

I turned, eyes bulging with killing intent.

It was the same woman from the operating room I just left.

I took menacing steps towards her.

"You did this to me. Why?" I growled at her.

She wasn't even the least bit fazed.

"Oh, Nathan. Don't you remember me?"

My eyes held confusion.

I looked into those endless pools of blue.

'Where had I seen those eyes before?'

My eyes widened.

"You." I growled.

I grabbed her by the neck and squeezed, but not enough to choke her.

"You were there, the day I lost my family." I gritted out.

"Yes, Nathan, we used to be colleagues back at the hospital." She managed to grit out.

I tightened my hold her neck almost completely cutting off her air supply.

"I watched you Nathan, for months I made my research on you to make sure you were the perfect specimen." She smirked.

I loosened my grip on her throat a little.


"And it turns out I wasn't wrong, seeing how in only minutes the serum had already began it's mutation on your body."

She let out a crazed laughter that seemed to only tick me off.

"Who do you work for?" I gritted out already feeling like I was loosing control.

Her laughter only seemed to increase ten-fold, bouncing off the steel walls of the hallway we stood in.

"After I kill you, I'm going after them." I said.

Her laughter seemed to die off then.

"Y-You can't. The Raven cannot be stopped."

"Watch me." With that I crushed her windpipe.

I moved towards towards what I thought to be the exit and made a run for it.

Blinding light flooded my eyes as I found myself outside. There was a chopper?

The night was dark and eerie. There were trees everywhere and it seemed to stretch on for miles.

A perfect location to keep their inhumane acts a secret.

"Your hands where I can see them!" A voice boomed over the megaphone.

I was surrounded.

Armed men circled me and the bright light from the chopper almost blinded me.

I put my hands in front of my face to shield my sensitive eyes from the light

But it seemed they saw it as a sign of hostility.

"Open fire!"

"Shoot him but don't kill him!"

"We need him alive."

The only thing I remember was falling face first into the dirt, blood pooling all around me.

Only one thought lingered in my head as I sucummed to oblivion.

'The Raven.'

*Five days later.*

Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are...up above the world so a diamond, in the sky...

I heard the music play.


I opened my eyes.

I was still alive.

I sat up on the bed and groaned. I looked around me, I was in a room.

It was bland. Everything was grey in colour down to the walls and floor.

Where am I?

The room consisted of a single white bed.

A wide glass like structure filled one side of the wall

It was like I was in a cube with a mirror for a wall. My brows furrowed.

I noticed something by the top corner of the wall, it was blinking.

My eyes widened.

"A camera." I mumbled.

'They were watching me.'

"Hey, let me out." I walked closer so whoever was watching could see me .

"I don't know what sick games you're playing, but this is illegal. I'm not an animal!" I screamed at the device.

Suddenly I heard a buzz noise and the door I hadn't even noticed opened up in front of me.

I got into a defense position.

"Who are you and who are the Ravens? Does the government know about this, huh?" I bellowed.

"They killed my family. I'm going to kill them!" I promised.

"Nathan, calm down." It was a man.

The man stepped into the grey room completely calm and sat down. I hadn't even noticed a chair.

"My name's Milo. I work for the government." He said calmly.

He looked at me strangely.

"You're reacting well. You had the best doctors in the world attend to you. You won't ever be the same again but you'll live." He said breezily.

The news sunk in.

Tears leaked out my eyes as I felt overwhelmed.

'Why me?'

"Why did they pick me? I'm nobody." I sank down to my knees seeing as how the news had drained me of my strength.

The man stood up and stalked around me.

"Nature is something we can never fully understand. You were their fifty-eighth experiment, the only one that had lived passed the second day. It would seem your genes has the keys to unlock the cures to diseases scientist has fought for, for generations."

"We saved you from the Ravens Nathan. Their aim was to make you their guinea pig, then sell you to the highest bidder. Dr Sullivan was their top scientist, Dr Stone too."

Stone, the woman I'd killed. Her laughter still rang in my ear.

My head was bowed as I listened.

"They hadn't intended for your family to die. They were just collateral damage. It was you they were really after. Don't you remember?"

My eyes widened.

As if on cue, flashes of that day clouded my vision.

'Julie, get in the car and take Ana with you.'

'Nathan, what's going on?'

I could see the fear in my wife's eyes.

'Just get in, I'll explain on the way.'

I punched the accelerator and sped faster that I ever had in my life. They were coming for me, I knew it. I had to keep my family safe.

In my bid to run away from the three cars that were chasing us, I'd veered off my lane into an incoming truck on the opposite lane. It had happened so fast.

Then screams were all I could hear.

I closed my eyes gripping my hair.

"No, no." I groaned as the realization of what I'd done dawned on me.

"I killed them?" I knew the truth, the look in his eyes confirmed my fears. My heart felt like it was being ripped from my chest.

"What have I done?" I sobbed.

"I believe this happened for a reason Nathan. I believe you survived for a reason. You could have died with your family but life had other plans for you." The man said.

"Mother Nature decided to spare you, you survived the experiment, maybe your family didn't die for nothing." He crouched in front of me.

"You are now the most valuable person on Earth, Nathan."

My eyes widened.

"You're the key to everything."






Written by: Idowu Kehinde (Oracle), Marvin Anene (Margic Pen) and me—Idowu Taiwo (Taiwolilly).

Sooo, guys😁. Tell me what you think! I hope you enjoyed it.

It was inspired a few days ago and I felt like we just had to write something on it. Please share and comment your thoughts down below and please also make sure to include your name. Love you, muah😘


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