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A friend in an unlikely place.

Dedicated to Ajibola🌼

 Quiet, modest, reserved– these are the words I would use to describe you. 

We've known each other for five years,

I remembered the first time I got to know you.

It was at camp, at an hostel. It was a popular story building having a wide spaced compound. There were about four identical structures in that building. I had gone over there to see a mutual friend, and fellow departmental mate. 

It was morning, my sister and I were both sitting outside, by a pole of some sort admiring the sky. 

We were so surprised to see you but it was a pleasant surprise. We didn't know we would get to meet anyone else we knew here. 

I think you even greeted us first. 

You were different from what I had originally thought. This was around 200l.

As opposed to being someone who liked to keep to themselves, you were easy to talk to. For the first time, I asked for your name and you told me,


I later got to know that other people know you by a different name. It made me wonder a lot of times if I was the one who kept forgetting your name. 😂

Since then I've had a positive outlook about you and always respected your input in things. I saw you as a friend from that day. 


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