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 Let the rivers of living waters flow and wash it away; wash anxiety, depression, sorrow, darkness.

Let us be illuminated by the light of your countenance. The tightness in our chest let it be relieved as we sing your songs and dance your dance.

To the one who made humans, to the one who is patient despite our failings to the one person who will never discard us I appreciate, honour and adore.

Our lives will have meaning because you are in it.

And before we were made, you knew us.

As we were secretly woven, piece by piece, hair by hair.

You know us each by name. A marvel and a wonder.

Let the voices cease, the ones in our heads that deceives us till there's only you.

Because your thoughts for our lives are good and not evil to give us a hope and an expected end.

For in the image of the great King were we created and so for that reason, I am wonderfully, gloriously and fearfully made.





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